by Eric Barton | March 2, 2020

4 Types of Honey You Need to Try

Skip the clover and get a little adventurous with these honey flavors.

Davey Hackenberg and some of the honey that Hackenberg Apiaries produces. Photography by Mary Beth Koeth

Orange blossom: Long a staple of roadside produce stands, this light honey has an undeniable citrus taste. While it used to be abundant, hits to Florida’s citrus industry in recent years make this one harder to find.

Tupelo: The tupelo trees in southern Georgia and the Florida Panhandle have long been popular for beekeepers, and the end product is a light amber honey with a delicate sweetness and smoothness. 

Saw palmetto: Saw palmetto bushes, the inhospitable-looking razor-sharp ground cover, produce a honey that’s just as bold as the plant, with tasty hints of citrus, caramel, smoke and wood flavors.

What’s in season: Unlike in northern climates, where bees go dormant in the winter, in Florida bees are generally busy all year, and the honey they produce here has an inordinate number of natural flavors that taste like the fruits and veggies the plants produce. Of the honey you need to try, you might find your new favorite among: mango, gallberry, Brazilian pepper, blackberry, avocado, mangrove or seagrape.